Claire Upton Head of R&D Tax Credits

Find out more

I collaborate with people within businesses, large and small, starting out or established, to put together authentic claims for R&D tax relief.

I’m a qualified Chartered Tax Adviser with 20+ years’ experience working in corporate tax. I have specialised in R&D tax relief for the majority of my career, following the evolution of this transformative innovation incentive since it was first introduced in 2000. Working closely with the right people, I help with identifying qualifying projects and how to establish associated expenditure to maximise the cash funding delivered via this tax relief with 100% compliance.

Family life keeps me extremely busy.  I have three gorgeous boys (four, if you count my husband) with bundles of energy and an abundance of cuddles. All things outdoor is the way we roll, with the odd waterpark thrown in for good measure.  The faster and louder the better!

Contact Claire

"Never become so comfortable with where you are, that you forget where you wanted to go - keep moving forward"
