Stealing the limelight Forus

11 August 2021

Setting out on our journey earlier this year as the first cohort of the FORUS Board, we’ve all been keen to roll up our sleeves and assist in the delivery of some of the key projects for the 3YP, whilst remaining focused on bringing some of our own ideas to life and really putting our stamp on this experience, with our people at the forefront of our intentions.

With that in mind, the FORUS Values Award was born!

Designed to be INCLUSIVE, the nominations will be anonymous and open to everyone in the business who you believe has demonstrated and upheld at least one of our four core values:


The FORUS Board will be responsible for choosing three winners each quarter, which again, will be assessed anonymously, with each winner receiving our show-stopping trophy, a £350 bonus (paid gross) as well as our all-important ‘Values Ambassador’ status which will be shouted from the rooftops across internal communications, email banners, and our social platforms.

We appreciate life at Fortus can be fast-paced and somewhat demanding at times and therefore our aim’s to allow everyone the opportunity to be recognised and efforts rewarded, no matter how big or small, or what role they play.

We can’t wait to showcase our first line-up at the next QBR, so get nominating.

Enhancing our employee experience across the business doesn’t stop there. We’re also working hard on improving job role transparency, along with redeveloping performance management. This includes a number of client-focused projects such as; looking at improving onboarding experiences, service line opportunities, and ensuring consistency of pricing and service.


We actively encourage anyone who has any questions or wishes to bring them forward to the Board’s attention, by reaching out to us on
