Getting to know Amelia Geary

21 September 2021

From Tom Grennan and psychological murder books to the ‘Roaring 20s’ and traveling the world – get to know more about Amelia now…

1. In 40 words or less, describe your role at Fortus.

I work as an Accounts Executive, based in the Milton Keynes office. Day-to-day, you can find me compiling working papers, working on VAT, or just generally supporting my team where I can, to ensure deadlines are met.


2. Which of our Fortus values resonates most with you and why?

INCLUSIVE – No matter your position, or who you are, your voice is valued and you’ll always find your place in the team. I came in as a school leaver, with next to no accountancy knowledge, yet from the ‘get-go’, I’ve been included in all aspects of the Fortus team, and have been able to learn so much from those with more experience.


3. What’s the one thing you can’t live without?

I have to say my phone. It’s my entertainment hub, whether I’m just talking to friends and family, listening to music or watching Netflix.


4. What’s on your playlist right now?

Pretty much every genre of music you could possibly think of! But right now, Tom Grennan has my heart.


5. What’s the last thing you watched on TV and why did you choose to watch it?

The Chase – I do love a quiz show, and I can actually answer some of the questions which is always a nice surprise!


6. Best book you’ve ever read?

I can’t resist a good psychological murder book, and I promise I’m not trying to scare my colleagues away here! Something like ‘The Silent Patient’ or ‘The Guest List’, off the top of my head.


7. If you could time warp yourself to any point in history, when would it be, who would you hang out with?

It’d have to be the roaring 20s. I can’t even begin to imagine what life must’ve been like, in such a huge period of change and prosperity, so it would be really interesting and eye-opening.


8. What superpower would you want and why?

I’d love to fly, you’d catch me in a new country every weekend!


9. What’s your biggest inspiration?

My family, always. They’ve shaped who I am today, and if I become half of what my parents have become, I’ll be happy.


10. What’s on your bucket list?

At this point in my life, travel’s the top of my list. I want to see the world, and all the experiences it offers.


11. If you could live in a foreign country, where would it be?

Australia – they have a lifestyle that I adore, and a bit more sun too!


12. Describe your perfect day?

As much as I love exploring new places, sometimes nothing beats a chilled day at home. My day would probably consist of baking, cooking and then of course, eating. Realistically, a glass of wine would probably make an appearance, and the sun is preferable too!

