The FORUS Board Blog Update

25 November 2022



Despite being just over halfway through our time as your ForUS Board, we’re already having thoughts about who we’d like to put forward for next year’s ‘Cohort 3’. So, what better way than to share what goes on ‘behind the scenes’ as a member of the Board to give you an idea of what we get up and if it’s something you’d like to nominate yourselves for!

Behind the productive meetings and developments of our projects (including the ongoing ‘Suggestion Boxes’), we’re sure you’re all keen to know what happens behind the perfect team shots and what goes on after our meetings…

So without further ado, have a look for yourselves…

HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY, EUAN (kind of)!


Aside from the productivity, one of the best things about having our meetings can only be going out for food and drinks afterwards (well, that’s technically two things)!

At the September ForUS Board meeting in Peterborough, Euan was greeted with a birthday present at the restaurant we visited (on the house, of course). However, Euan’s birthday was in June…

Three guesses as to who you think had told the staff by ‘accident’. Hint: it wasn’t Euan…


It’s hard work hosting at your own office…


A few hours into our Peterborough meeting a couple of months ago, Tom’s definitely realising how tiring it can be to lead the agendas.

It’s a good job he’ll only have to do it once more in the New Year…


we were a (wo)man down


When one Board member can’t make it to the physical table, we simply just dial in through Teams!

Things come up, and in this instance, Meg was unfortunately too busy with Audit work to be able to go over in person for the meeting.

We understand that when work’s overly busy we’re not always able to attend in person, however the only downside to this was Meg missed out on all the sweet treats on offer…


the awkward group photos at the end…


If you look at the expressions on our faces (with the exception of Joe because well, you can’t see his), you can see that we’re all at the different stages of group photos:

Rukaiya, Shelly, and James all look like they’ve been ready and waiting for quite a while.

Euan and Joe look as though they still need time to get “picture perfect”.

And in the midst of those, it looks like Tom’s testing out new ‘pouty poses’ that he could potentially use for the next few photoshoots…


As a reminder, we’ve already actioned (so far) over 113 suggestions from the 170+ put through the boxes across all regions!

Our continued efforts towards making sure you’re all listened to and heard is incredibly important to us. Comms are to follow regarding the next theme for the Suggestion Box, so in the meantime, all other suggestions are still welcomed as always.

We look forward to seeing you all at the National QBR and updating you directly on our projects!
