4 reasons to outsource your Property management

24 March 2021

Owning a commercial property portfolio’s a great investment for your hard-earned cash, and ensures a more secure stream of income, with multiple benefits coming from this. However, as your portfolio grows, it can sometimes prove to be more of a time-consuming headache than originally anticipated, and may be difficult to manage if it’s not your ‘day job’.

Considering this, and how complex management can be, in trying to keep your tenants on track with statutory laws, building repairs, decoration and in particular in these difficult times, rent and service charge payments, it can cause headaches galore. With this in mind, we have a solution – Our Fortus property team are experienced in property management and can relieve you of the stresses of property ownership, taking some of the pressure off your plate.

So, here’s 4 reasons why it’s easier to outsource your property management;

  1. No more day-to-day admin – Our cost-effective management service covers invoicing to tenants, collecting rents, insurance, service charge, debt chasing, site inspections, arranging maintenance contracts, instructing small works and most importantly nurturing landlord & tenant relationships to ensure lease liabilities are being met.
  2. Effective financial reporting – Fortus operate ‘ReLeased’, an intelligent and easy to understand cloud software package for landlords to keep track of your property income, expenditure, repairs and VAT reporting.
  3. Chartered Professionals – Fortus manage their property owner accounts in accordance with the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Rules of Conduct.
  4. Property Insurance management –  We can assist with arranging building insurance for your properties and process any claims to conclusion in conjunction with your existing broker.

While it seems like a straight forward job to manage your properties in the beginning, as you acquire more in the longer term, they become more complex, and it’s time to consider having help or completely outsourcing. So, if you’re interested in speaking to our Property team today, or would like more information, then email us or call 01604 273782.
