Chris Timms Non-Executive Director

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As Non-Executive Director of Fortus, my time is focused on strategic growth – that includes building an even stronger team and bringing new dimensions to the Fortus family and our clients.

Developing people is one of the most critical aspects in business. By leading the recruitment of our Board and Senior Management, we now develop the wider team together, working with a common objective to deliver success to our clients – whatever success means to them. I have 20 years’ experience, with the last 7 spent in senior leadership, ranging from boardroom strategy to practical applications across client & markets, mergers & acquisitions, sales & people development.

I have a good work life balance, something that has taken a few years to deliver, but I do. Outside of the family, dog, gym and regular socialising with friends in business, I will one day find a hobby that matches the kicks I get at present.

Contact Chris

“I love the adrenalin of our business; a sustainable healthy pace, positive results and working alongside people that care”
