Our ForUS Board October Update

25 October 2021

We’re currently in the process of preparing the application process for the next cohorts’ nominations, and we hope there’s lots of you considering putting yourselves forward when the time comes.

I strongly urge anybody who’s considering nominating themselves to be a FORUS Board member in 2022, to do so. This is a great opportunity which offers deeper levels of experience and exposure that aren’t common in most ‘day jobs’. So far, my time on the Board’s given me a much better understanding of Fortus and how it operates. For example, showing me the ‘bigger picture’ – something I didn’t necessarily see before. It’s also given me the opportunity to travel around all the offices and meet various individuals and teams across the business. It’s been a very enjoyable but challenging time so far, and it’ll be a shame when my time on the Board comes to an end next year.

Personally, I had my doubts about applying; I didn’t know what to expect and definitely had my fears, as I’m sure is the case for a lot of people. However, when you think about it, what’s the worst thing that can happen? Public speaking, in particular, can be nerve-racking, as can a lot of things, but putting yourself in a situation where you have the chance to practice it, is only ever going to benefit you. If you have any doubts, then my advice would be to just put them to one side and go for it!

For anyone interested or has any questions, please speak to an existing Board member, who’ll be happy to answer any questions and support you with the process when it’s formally revealed in the coming months.

We actively encourage anyone who has any questions or wishes to bring any comments or thoughts to the Board’s attention. Please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us.
