On the move; PCLG to Fortus

15 October 2020

We’re delighted to welcome 18 new team members into our Fortus ‘family’ following completion of the acquisition of PCLG in York, at the end of September.

This is a move Andy Minifie and I, supported by our superb functional teams, have worked hard on for around 9 months and so we’re all over the moon to finally get it over the line.

expanding with new horizons

The office is now led by Andy Northern, Phil Kitchen and Ian Broadley – three very experienced and talented CSD’s – and they’re further supported by a wider team of outstanding individuals, who’ll all play a pivotal role by contributing to our positive culture and brand activity.

There’s no doubt coming into Fortus is a positive step forward, and having been under the stewardship of Len Elliot for the last 40 years, Len felt it was the right move not only for himself in facilitating a well-deserved retirement, but for the clients and also the team themselves. Len recognised ‘early doors’ the needs of a business owner have changed over the last decade, and they now crave a wider range of services than ever before – he felt Fortus was leading the way in meeting those needs – a view I think we all wholeheartedly share.

We’re very much looking forward to ‘getting our teeth into’  the existing client base, as well as introducing ourselves to other ambitious business owners, to help them shape their future by doing what we do best – solving their problems and identifying new opportunities within their businesses. York’s a beautiful city, steeped in history, but it’s also a city with a thriving business community which doesn’t get the advisory services it deserves and as such, we’re very much here to change that.

So welcome to the team, York! We’re thrilled to have you here and we hope you enjoy the journey!

